The Devonshire Dairy and tales of Ice Cream.

The Devonshire Dairy Ice cream

Parmesan ice cream is extremely rich, creamy and very naughty, I love it, but the savoury flavour is not to everyone’s taste. Serve the ice cream in this recipe at the end of a meal with slices of hard, green pear or drop a scoop into gazpacho and add a sprinkle of chopped green chilli.

The 18th century recipe works but be careful not to over-heat the cream or you’ll end up with scrambled eggs! More modern recipes separate the egg yolks into the mix first and then fold in beaten egg white at the end.

Lucy is at The Devonshire Dairy, 36 The Square, Chagford,Devon  TQ13 8AH she is always welcoming.  The dairy maybe closed in the depths of winter so check the website for opening times.

I also publish on Instagram and twitter as @anteggsoup, please follow me and I’ll follow back.